The LUXE Guide - Bangkok
Posted: Aug 12 2013
TAILOR ON TEN. Canadians Alex and Ben Cole offer the best of fabrics, fitting, design, value, and service - You can even order shirts online using their nifty design app. 93 Sukhumvit Soi 8 / 0848 771 543 /"
"For ten years LUXE City Guides has quietly changed the face of travel guides, starting from scratch we re-thought the whole concept of why and how we all travel, of what we need when we get there and most importantly, what we don't. LUXE is now famous for its super-svelte format, and its take no prisoners attitude, avoiding all the padding, photos, graphics and blah of other guides and getting straight to the meat. The result – ultra-smart travel companions stacked with priceless information for the discerning, value-conscious and busy traveller.
In the notoriously fickle worlds of fashion, food and entertainment other guides are hopelessly out of date even by the time they reach the bookstore shelf. LUXE City Guides are not only updated each year, but come with monthly online updates. So by the time you get to your destination, all you need do is relax, because if it’s not in LUXE, you’re not missing anything. Hyper-opinionated, irreverent, bright and fun to read, whether you have a few hours or a few days, LUXE really is all you need. Oh, and you’ll never hear us refer to our readers as tourists. With LUXE you’re a visitor. It’s a big difference.
LUXE City Guides. Fasten your seatbelt."