Did he say Modern Tweed?
Posted: Jul 02 2013
Modern Tweed? I hear you say. There is no such thing as modern tweed, it's a style relegated to history. A relic of fashions past that only gets dusted off when pulling it out of your fathers closet for a theme party. An homage to a bygone era that should be reserved for old men who have long ago resigned themselves to wearing comfortable shoes. Well I say differently, I say there is a new adaption of Tweed jackets being used by the younger generation and I think it's great. After all, if tweed was good enough for Indiana Jones, it's good enough for everyone!
So how do you rock the modern tweed? Well, I must say that I am not really a fan of the full tweed suit but some people can pull it off. I am more a fan of a tweed sports coat, they can be paired with just about anything and will still look sharp and casual at the same time. The trick to pulling off a tweed sports coat is to ensure your tailor cuts it shorter than a full length jacket, think of it like wearing an untucked shirt.
I also prefer to avoid the bright colours and instead keep the palette sombre with blacks, greys and navy blues with a fleck effect, paired with solid colours for the shirt or sweater. I find that patterns detract from the overall style of the modern tweed look, so probably best to leave the stripes at home for this one and instead go for a plain white or dark navy. And for the more dressed-up option, I would go with a white pocket square that elevates the casual look to a whole new level of gentleman.
For those of you that like a bit of history with your fashion I'll try to summarise as best I can. Tweed refers to a variety of wool fabrics woven in a rough twill structure. The rugged cloth's great wind and water resistant qualities, along with its heritage, makes it the standard wear in the British Isles for shooting, fly-fishing and other country sport activities. It is believed to have originated in the farmlands of Scotland and Ireland before being appropriated by the British Empire. The aristocracy took the harsh, ill-refined, hand woven fabric to their tailors and thus the tweed that we all know was born.
I think that history and heritage is important and the tweed suit certainly has both of those in spades. But there is no reason why styles can not be updated whilst staying true to their roots.
Tailor On!